From my view, Pantheon is without parallel of the greatest artistic valve and architectural design level. I haven't acquired the knowledge of architectural history and theory systematically, nonetheless, my attention was wholly arrested by Pantheon as soon as I saw the pictures of its. The elements of this architecture as oculus, coffered ceiling, stepped dome, drum, rotunda, etc., all seizes my instinctive feel of favor and curiosity rather than any other great buildings.
It has been said that Pantheon is the first Rome architecture that puts more focus on the interior decoration than exterior style. Meanwhile, the interior structural design is quite successful. Due to consecutive load-bearing walls inside, the inner space looks a little simple, but it is rather complete, and within the means of repetition and other methods the inner space create incredible geometric symmetry and harmony.
In his article
Imperium in the Pantheon of Rome and its Pavimentum Patrick Hunt says, "Few great buildings in the world have a history parallel to the Pantheon; none are so glorious to better represent the genius of Roman architecture...the Pantheon still exemplifies the Roman aim for perfection in structural integrity and philosophical harmony." I really want to be one of those whom can be offered an opportunity to delve into the beauty of this building.