Saturday, October 23, 2010

Works and reflections for Workshop 2

These are my works for workshop 2 in Architectural Communication. In this workshop I have obtained a lot of knowledges about tracing and rendering. Due to the shortage of good hand-draw skills, I chose color pencils as my media in order to keep my drawing neat and clean. Color -pencil drawing is one of my favorite styles. During the final presentation, I saw many distinguishing works. They are different in many aspects such as styles, rendering methods, compositions and so on. Most of them are well worth learning. Admittedly, my composition is without  creativity, because i put much attention in rendering and i didn't notice that creativity is quite important requirement in the criteria in this workshop. This is an alert for me that from now on no matter what curricular i am doing i should get enough information about the criteria first and then address myself to the work itself.